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Flexible/Aggressive Penny

Penny - BlueH4t
Updated May 4, 2024

Salty BarrelHeavy CoffersPet PowerSpeed
Salty BarrelHeavy CoffersPet PowerSpeed

Instead of being in the backline defending, why not be a frontline menace?

Salty Barrel

Salty Barrel

Penny drops a barrel of salt that blocks enemy projectiles. She can also use it to burst her own gold pouches.

Heavy Coffers
Star Power

Heavy Coffers

Penny's gold pouches burst with a 100% wider cone after each hit.

Pet Power
Gear 1

Pet Power

Pet power increased by 25%.

Gear 2


Gain 15% Speed increase when moving in bushes.


At the time of this build, Penny is pretty underwhelming to say the least. She is too dependent on her teammates to deal with her tankier counters due to her low dps and unreliable combo and she gets outranged by half of the roster. But if you insist on playing her (or you feel bored playing her), this playstyle will (hopefully) change that.Let's start off with the Lobber, her main source of damage. After playing Penny for a year by now ever since her rework, I have developed a saying "There are no bad summoner placement, only bad timing". To maximize your contribution to your team, you have to be much more flexible in Lobber placements than you normally would. Sure, the right-side corner of Ring of Fire is a great placement in a stalemate, but when you're being pushed back, that place is no longer a safe haven. Additionally, if your team can push the enemies far back from the battlefield, wouldn't it be better if your Lobber could contribute more in solidifying your team's control in the match? Sure, it's a risky play when you're not exactly the most versatile Brawler, but what's life without a little gamble? However, it's important to understand the current game state to determine whether a defensive playstyle is necessary or an aggressive one is more optimally effective.Then, what about your own positioning? It's an overall skill that isn't confined to a specific Brawler. It is required to have a good understanding of how and where you should travel to maximize your potential and assistance to your team. For Penny and most other mid-rangers, this is the most vital skill to acquire as you will switch your playstyles a significant number of times based on the gamemode, the objective/win condition and your team's situation. For Penny specifically, because she doesn't have special boosters to aid her flank, she does depend on her teammates/enemies in order to relocate her to a more effective position. If you do manage to reach this goal, you will feel that she is undoubtedly special when it comes to control the enemy team in the right conditions and the right matchups. Though, against a tougher matchups like Jacky or Bibi, you should always prepare to retreat whenever possible unless you want to stay in your dominant area.Lastly, let's talk about the build itself. Speed Gear is best for the above reasons, and Salty Barrel is the chip you wanna bet in a pinch. As for the Pet Gear, since the Lobber is your primary source of damage, it's understandable that you should buff it (it also aids you in killing a low-HP Brawler). The reasons why I use Heavy Coffers over Master Blaster are:
1. Master Blaster is only good in theory, which doesn't account human errors or anomilies like terrains or specific opposing Brawlers' traits (attacks, HP, speed).
2. The knockback value from Master Blaster is unremarkable. You waste 5 or more shots, which would already cost a lot of time (not to mention wasting Super Charge percentages) for a mediocere knockback that is difficult to use and doesn't matter much since your common targets have more than enough HP to tank.
3. Heavy Coffers synergizes extremely well witth Salty Barrel. Because three splashes can't even kill a Piper, Heavy Coffers is a significant buff to your niche as it allows you to 2-shot the large portion of Brawlers in even sub-optimal techs (combo-ing Salty Barrel with Heavy Coffers in close-semi-close range). Not to mention, you can obtain ever-so-slightly more Supers from the SP, which allows you to be more supportive to your team.This is more of a biased build so you could adjust to your personal needs/desires. As I said, Penny is in a rough spot at the moment of writing so this may be outdated if she gets massively buffed/reworked. Regardless, I think this playstyle should renew your views on this silly pink-haired pirate, at least gameplay-wise.

Game Modes

Hot Zone

Hot Zone

Most maps prefer a defensive Penny since there really isn't a good flank route in most of the maps. I said most because Ring of Fire exists, and that has one of the best flank camping spots in the game. If you could, position yourself in the enemies' bush and put your Lobber mirroring where you should normally put it. Hold that spot so as to protect your Lobber in order to maintain its constant firing and your contributions would be consequential.

Gem Grab

Gem Grab

Most Gem Grab maps (aside from Double Swoosh) are intended for all types of Brawlers so you don't have to worry about avoiding them (unless it's Minecrap Madness, I hate that map). If you're the gem carrier, do not over-extend unless you know you could win that duel/get out of a tough situation alive. If not, try to push the enemies so that your team could get more gems more easily and/or safely.



Bounty is a weird gamemode that Penny can somehow thrive. Some Bounty maps are semi-long range, which is perfect for Penny. You could sacrifice in your first game if you could get your Lobber, which can apply pressure for the enemy team or act as a bait for a secured kill. Also she is capable of pushing up in Layer Cake, so there's that.

Works Well With



Griff covers almost every single weakness of Penny. He could break the walls using his gadget so that pesky throwers wouldn't be able to get a free kill from you, and they would be more vunerable to your large attacks. He could also melt tanks so fast you wouldn't know they exist unless they chase you exclusively. He is also great at applying immediate pressure, as opposed to Penny who is the cherry on top of a good team.



Sandy is the best support for Penny at the moment. Both of their attacks are AoE (well Penny is semi-AoE but you get my point) so if the enemies bunch up, they could kill some of the more tanky comps. Sandy's gadget could also help in killing many enemies because immobilizing the enemies for even a moment could help the Penny fire her shot at a more appropriate angle and get more damage AND super charge. But the biggest buff is arguably his super, which could force the enemy to stay low using his SP, allowing Penny to finish off more easily. In addtion, said super could also help Penny advance forward into enemies' territory and support her flexible gameplay.



Max is the more "Duelist" Sandy in that she is better at ensuring a steady game in case there is an aggressive enemy, which both Sandy and Penny can only temporarily deal with whereas Max is a fantastic Brawler in situations where Penny needed a teammate to distract the enemies. Her super also boosts Penny's speed so that both would be able to escape or duel better.



Tanks are only good at being super-feeder if they aren't killing you. Fortunately, Bea is a decent tank stopper so Penny could finish them off to assist Bea. Additionally, Bea has fast-charging slows so Penny could get easy shots on tanks and close-range Brawlers and acquire the Lobber faster.

About This Build

This build, Flexible/Aggressive Penny, was created by BlueH4t on May 4, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Penny, and uses the Salty Barrel gadget, Heavy Coffers star power, Pet Power gear, and Speed gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Penny build and others.

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